About Us

CAREfemPOWERED's health platform is a USA based healthcare technology company that specializes in developing innovative, secure mobile and artificial intelligence software solutions for the $20 Billion USD Community Care market. Our comprehensive hardware and software solution that allows everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status, religion, gender, age, or demographic to receive high quality care in the home, improving health outcomes, enhancing quality of life for everyone and reducing the cost of care as the next generation digital health assistant empowering users to manage their health remotely to achieve improved health outcomes.

Two women with a vision for healthcare needs from conception to eldercare

We are a small, women owned Digital health technology and software company, with a vision that created a healthcare platform to provide value and quality based care remotely for EVERYONE from conception to eldercare. Our name is derived from our core values that our digital solutions will empower equality and tackle health disparities and bridge the gap in healthcare needs of all through our digital solution. To break the present healthcare barriers, we created our own Mobile Integrated Healthcare system which has artificial intelligence infused in a healthcare virtual assistant with tailored services to you and connected community based care.

Our platform delivers innovative remote patient monitoring, care collaboration, connected community health care and telemedicine solutions for community and business-based healthcare networks. Our virtual care platform provides a 360° end-to-end service approach with high quality care driving value and purpose in the community setting, improving health outcomes, enhancing quality of life for patients, parents, families, and care providers, and reducing overall the cost of care delivery with our tailored end-to-end services.

  1. Management and Empowerment

    We can integrate with over 400 different wearables, Bluetooth device or biosensor to enable in-depth, live health tracking and health data for precision medicine and precision care through our artificial intelligence and big data that gives insight into your health trends and how to manage your health care, empower your daily goals, and transform your way of life with less stress and care from wherever you may be from home or on the go, transforming the healthcare experience for both the patient and health care providers for anyone from conception to eldercare.

  2. Remote monitoring and Chronic Care Management Platform:

    Our virtual assistant allows you to triage the patients needs for those the most in need. As a value based care digital health solution for those with Chronic Diseases. Using automated billing codes for chronic care management and claims submission to CMS through our platform allows you to have less administrative work and faster return on payments and reimbursement, avoiding re-admission penalties. In addition, this allows you, as a provider, to provide more quality care and value based care for your patients. Let us handle the work and you focus on the quality care for the patients with our system.

Learn more about our round-the-clock, technologically sophisticated, physician-led, patient centric team that has created this platform to help manage care transitions and chronic care services on-site in patients' homes or workplaces in “Our Team”.